Williams Thriving in his conversation and compassion. When I worked at the middle school with an awesome teacher who I have known for years gave me the knowlege and the right tools to continue my work with my son. It’s been exciting to see but also a bit intimidating. William caseworker has been a God sent, and I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for her.
She has been a rock and an anchor when everyone has turned away. I feel blessed to have her in my corner.
Now that there is an increase in conversation, I take him more out in the community. We practice how to use the conversation and social skills in every outing that we have. I also changed the way I speak with him. I talk to him as an adult and explain things differently so he can understand better. We also play more games together which helps build his confidence when learning new words and using them correctly. He loves it. Life Skills he has mastered a few things as long as I set him up. Independantly he does the rest.

I’m learning more about him each day and his growth and interest in things have increased. Eye contact has improved and his communication has become much more consistent. He’s even started to enjoy being around other people – something I never thought he’d be able to do! Although there are still some struggles, the progress we’ve made in such a short time is amazing to watch.
We have moments where he likes to tease and joke. Im also seeing a more expressive side I never seen before. His thoughtfulness and kindness to me has sprout wings and even though I’m on zoloft, He still manages to break through that wall where I do feel tears, when he touches my heart.
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Williams compassion is so beautiful. I’ve caught him checking on me when he thinks I’m asleep, makes sure I am covered with blankets. Then I can hear him go to the bathroom and back to bed. Telling me hes going to miss me when he fights taking a nap, until I assure him I’m not going anywhere. I’m enjoying this special bond we have and even when I’m feeling down, he manages to cheer me up. He has brought a lot of joy into my life. The little things he does mean so much to me and I am very grateful! Without a doubt his purpose in life is to save mine.