I made a friend who happen to work at Rite Aide.(I don’t remember if I got her okay to use her name LOL) She and I became friends not to long ago and she seemed to have had a wonderful softspot for William. We talked and laughed about his famous one liners and achievements hes […]
Williams Thriving In Conversation And Compassion
Williams Thriving in his conversation and compassion. When I worked at the middle school with an awesome teacher who I have known for years gave me the knowlege and the right tools to continue my work with my son. It’s been exciting to see but also a bit intimidating. William caseworker has been a God […]
December And A Emptiness in my Heart
Christmas is Tough with PTSD The holidays are joyous for many, but for me, December has always been a blur. Every year I try to make Christmas special for my son William, and his birthday even more so. But no matter how much love I show him, there’s still a hole in my heart—a reminder […]
Williams Trip To The Gym
Williams recent trip has been to the gym. He misses gym time at school so I signed him up with me. My thought was this would be a good to talk about the good times he had, as well as geetting some excercise in. When I offered to take him he seem eager to go. […]
Christmas Gift Giving Through the Eyes of William
I’ve been taking William to same hair salon for awhile now. Every visit is always filled with laughter and smiles from the hairdresser as well as William. So when it came time for Christmas gift-giving season, It would be a great opportunity to teach William on giving back. William found some gnomes that were ornaments […]
The Outside World Doesn’t Understand
Im Standing On My Soap Box Angry When I have obligations to my son, the outside world doesn’t understand. Everyone has left at some point because of my dedication to him. And in their selfish ways, they don’t see how much he needs me. I’m not saying that my son is more important than anyone […]
William’s Hidradenitis Suppurativa Diagnosis
I never thought I would be writing a blog post about my son’s medical condition, but here I am. After more flare ups with the boils, even after two rounds of antibiotics my son was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). From what I understand, HS is a chronic, painful skin condition that results in the […]
Emergency Room on A Saturday Night
Taking your child with Autism to the ER is never easy. Around this time every year, we usually get a boil that needs lancing. William handles it like a trooper and he can move on from it. But in the last two years, We have been through a Pilonidal cyst, and repetitive boils under his […]
William Helping Out Jax Heal At First Vet Appointment.
William Helping out With Jax was either smooth sailing or it would be a total catastrophe. My mind was still on when Jax threw up in the car bringing him home that first day. I thought for sure he’d throw up on one of us. But there is a dog wash next to the vet. […]
Bringing William’s Dreams to Life
William First Train Ride