Seriously, where has the time went.
I just can’t believe its been a month already since I left my job. I still miss those kids but, I have no regrets. Mentally I feel stronger than I ever have been. People I worked with see me now say I look different for the better. I had one tell me I looked “vibrant”. That was a shocker. Never would I have thought my name would be in the same sentence as vibrant 😂
We have just mastered the teeth brushing with accuracy. It took three weeks of physical and verbal prompting. Then I created a visual sceduale. The fourth week I did my version of progress monitoring, just observing to make sure he had it. I was so proud of him, because I can see him look over at the sceduale to make sure he got every step. I took him out for ice cream to celebrate. Its the little things that make him smile.

The next three weeks or so I think we are going do the face washing. That is another step I have always done for him. I’m excited because that will be two steps in hygine I can phase myself out of. I’m still not ready for him to do the shaving yet. I usually shave him with a razor so I have purposely saved that for after christmas when I buy him a electric razor so my anxiety doesnt get to bad. 😂
We are walking about 5,000 steps which is really awesome. He loves to walk and I’ve lost about 6 pounds because of it. Hes sleeping has improved alot. I’m almost sure walking helps with that.
Nightmares are far and few between. And he is so happy when he wakes up. We get an occasional hiccup from the trauma and thats usually environmental that causes a trigger. And even then, its much easier to redirect. Jax our lab is concidered present time and I use him to keep William in the present.
He’s done very well since I’ve been home. Even expresses himself what he wants to do. He has shown me he is very much in there and his increase in language has shown me that.