Year: 2023

Autism autism life autism Spectrum compassion Disassociation Identity Disorder

Last Night Was Difficult to Watch

Disassociation Identity Disorder I’m learning more about Disassociation Identity Disorder since his diagnoses acouple years ago. It has been a difficult journey, and I’m still learning more everyday. I’ve researched different ways to help him manage his symptoms but it’s hard when every person is so unique. What I have found so far, is that […]

Autism autism life autism Spectrum bestfriends compassion conversation increase

Williams Thriving In Conversation And Compassion

Williams Thriving in his conversation and compassion. When I worked at the middle school with an awesome teacher who I have known for years gave me the knowlege and the right tools to continue my work with my son. It’s been exciting to see but also a bit intimidating. William caseworker has been a God […]

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