Getting Ready For The Day
I was pretty excited for this weekend. Knowing I’d make one of William’s dreams come true, and that was to ride a train. The plan was to attend a few community block parties, in the area, he got to work on some of his social skills, and tried to talk with other people. He was frustrated a few times when he wasn’t heard. His voice goes to an almost whisper, I think it’s a self-esteem thing, so that’s when I intervene and get their attention so he can ask his question. Then I follow it with a point in his direction. That was enough for someone to understand (along with his flapping LOL), they apologize to William for not hearing him. And he excepts that well.
It was a nice feeling not having rush, or plan for the next day. Just to watch his reaction and have that connection with him. That’s so important, my heart felt full to have it.
We walked from the park to where the train ride would be. The sound of the horn gave my surprise away. He stopped walking, and said, “Train?” That’s when I told him, ” Yep, we are going on a train ride.” The look on his face was priceless, he was so excited and flapped all the way.
People Watching
We got our tickets and stood in line. I felt a mixture of vibes in the air that caused my anxiety to slowly rise. William feels it too. I saw some compassionate looks, William will wave, and they will smile or wave back, then some give the discussed looks. I’ve learned to ignore the latter and shielded them with my body. This was Williams’ time, and I wanted nothing to ruin it.
William’s First Train Ride
It was our turn to load on the train, and I helped him in, (he’s bigger and heavier than me, you can imagine how that went LOL) the train started, he reached for my hand and closed his eyes very tight.
“Are you scared?” He nodded his head, and said, “yes.”
When he admits he’s scared, I tell him, “Don’t be, momma got you”
Slowly, he opened his eyes and smiles wide the rest of the way. Took a beautiful picture of him seeing the view for the first time.