It is a developmental disorder that frequently causes significant social, communication, and
behavioral impairment. It is a spectrum condition, individual symptoms and severity
vary from person to person.
Some Early Signs Of Autism

Some children develop autism spectrum disorder in the early part of their lives, reduced eye contact, absence of response to their name, and indifference to caregivers. Other children remain alert and responsive throughout their early years and then suddenly lose language skills as they age. Symptoms are typically observed by age, two years.
Every child with autism spectrum disorder will have a unique pattern of behavior and severity — from low functioning to high functioning. Some children with autism spectrum disorder learn poorly, while others have normal to high intelligence. Because of the unique mixture of symptoms in each child, severity can sometimes be difficult to determine.

The Statistics:
Information Came From The National Autism Association
- Autism now affects 1 in 44 children; half are afflicted with intellectual disability or borderline intellectual disability.
- Boys are four times more likely to suffer from autism than girls.
- The percentage of children with autism who do not speak has increased by about 25 percent.
- Those who speak at a young age also lose their words.
- Individuals (no two are alike) exhibit considerable variation in their condition.
- The rate has risen steadily over the last two decades.
- Fragile X, allergies, asthma, epilepsy, bowel disease, gastrointestinal/digestive problems, persistent viral infections, PANDAS, feeding problems, anxiety issues, bipolar issues, and Tourette disorders, as well as ADHD and OCD, are among the co-morbid conditions associated with Autism.
However, as a mother keep in mind that early intervention is crucial.
I’ll always be appreciative to the nurse who advised me to have him evaluated and urged me to rule it out. My son wouldn’t be able to speak or do what he can today on his own or with little assistance if I hadn’t listened to her.