I may have found a Simple Way To control Williams Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I don’t believe I’ve cured anything. Those words can get you in trouble LOL. But I’ve found something that has made a huge difference in Williams overall health. It all started when Williams caseworker and I put our heads together to find a solutions to this condition.
William is on alot of medication. Because of that I always felt looking into vitamins was the best thing for him. I’ve done it for years. And even though he was very sickly as a baby. His health has improved alot.

His casworker suggested probiotics and zinc. Gut help and immunity. Makes sense. His body might need alittle help fighting off the HS. Then I ran into Goli Apple Cider vinegar this seemed to help reduce the symptoms associated with Hidradenitis Suppurativa. They didn’t seem so infected and so painful. We would get a small bump Id keep an eye on it then it would disappear. Seems like the longer he was on it the less he would get a flair up. Oh and I cant forget, Shaving in the morning was so much easier. No bright redness on his face.
Then the moment of truth came when I can say this worked for him. His Goli Apple Cider Vinegar shipment was late coming so I bought another brand at the store because he was running out. After a few days, He had boils in his ear, one under his arm, bottom and four on his belly. I was blown away how quickly they came back. Then finally the the Goli shipment came in. After a few days they all dried up. Now he takes it every day and hasn’t had a boil since. I have to say, this is one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen. And I am so thankful for Goli Apple Cider Vinegar!
William reminds me that I give it to him go I think he knows its helped him.