I got a visit from William’s caseworker. It was the usual stuff, If there was a medication change or any issues for the company I work with. The more I get to know her the more I can see shes another me. Like her, I can’t remember anything about my childhood, and when I do the nightmares from my own PTSD go in over drive. William feeds off that and ends up with a enviromental trigger. Then theres Jax our dog, feeds off us both and his anxiety goes through the roof. It was ment to to be though. He has PTSD too. I can’t confirm his history. Only that he was dumped with others. William and I both both love him,so we can relate to each other on that level too. Taking care of him gives us a purpose, to make life better for all of us. And we understand each other.
I feel like its all come full circle. It’s not perfect but it works.

But anyway, his caseworker knew I wasn’t to happy with the person they just hired. Her bedside matter would get my anxiety up. Sort of degraded me whenever I call with a question. From what I understand I wasn’t the only one who complained. It put me to the test as far as picking my battles. I’m learning to do that more now since I’ve been home with William. It hasn’t been easy. But it has been easier on my nerves.
Its paid off because she wanted to let me know that there was a company I could start with for more money than what I’m getting now. I can take a week paid vacation. (My response was whats that?😂) Sick Pay and even benefits. If I was interested. I asked her, How much more? She pulled out her computer to show me the flier, almost three dollars an hour more. This will also cut out the middle man and I would be self employed so I could get more hours. Thats when I started to really listen. 🙏🏽😊👩
Thats when I realized I had to lose alot in order to gain alot. I had to break free from people holding me back in the past which I can’t change, in order for the future to work out and William and I will be okay. I had to be brave and take chances, even when everything seemed uncertain. It was a difficult decision but one that I know will pay off in the long run. Now, I’m here continuing my journey with William by my side and taking it one day at a time. Each moment is precious and each lesson is valuable as I continue to grow.