Showing Independence: William’s Journey towards Self-Sufficiency

Showing independence

Showing Independence: William’s Journey towards Self-Sufficiency

Our Independant Bar

With our “independent bar” setup, and now finish, William has gained the independence to prepare his breakfast on his own. Yet, he continues to wait for my observation, reveling in the accolades that follow his effort.

Showing Independence
Independant Bar

Also, I introduced William to a new electric razor, demonstrating its use, and gradually guiding him towards independence. The way we are doing this is I am modeling by doing the one side of his face then his is trying the other.This process may require some patience, as he is finding it challenging to maintain the electric razor flat against his cheek.

Debit Card Too, Oh My!

William even has mastered using the debit card. Alot of cashiers in the community have been wonderful and patient with him as he was learning this skill. They would even cheer him on when he completed the task successfully. One cashier squeezes a chicken when he does well and it makes William laugh. This experience has given William a sense of independence and confidence.

Our grocery store visits are unconventional; I prefer to split them into several trips. We also read labels and make healthy choices. This repetition is crucial for his learning, reinforcing the importance of what we’re doing. And now I can honestly say at the checkout I can step back and he is independent, and is proud of his independence. Naturally, should he experience a struggle , I am there to offer my support.

We had a mild issue with his Disassociation Identity Disorder but now that I’ve been can to teach him coping skills and he has become more verbal. He will let me know when somethings going on. This has been the best it has been in the last 5 years or so. With just a few tweaks during his trigger months, and hardly any “surprises,” he ends up losing track of time and place, and he gets super tired.

I successfully secured new volunteer opportunities for William. He will be assembling jump ropes at a warehouse and starting with Meals on Wheels in September. Each are only an hour long. Hes not quite ready for more than that since we just started. He’s making great progress!!!!!!

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